Some times, the success of music education is measured in the number of students who become professional musicians. It is wonderful that some people choose to pursue music as a career, but music education can enrich the lives of all, students, amateurs, and professionals.
Why do we teach all children mathematics, not just the future mathematicians and engineers? Why expect all students to study English rather than reserving the subject for developing poets and novelists? We do so because the study of these disciplines is valuable and a solid foundation in these areas can enrich anyones life, regardless of profession.
Music used to be placed in this category as well. A classical education - the educational standard of the Greeks, Romans, and our Founding Fathers. An educated person studied music, not to become a professional but to be a well-rounded individual.
Music trains the brain to work in a different way. It is mathematical and creative in nature, requiring both hemispheres of the brain to work together.
Music is therapeutic. In a world running at an increasingly frantic pace, the study of music requires one to slow down, unplug, and focus on a single task. The music itself can also have a calming or uplifting effect.
Music surrounds us. It is everywhere I our world, in our advertising, entertainment, work, just about everywhere. It should be important for everyone to have a basic understanding of this important cultural element.
Music education is important and it is never too early or to late to start learning!
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